Yellowstone Genealogy Forum
Billings, Montana 1950s looking west on 2nd and 27th 1915 2nd and Broadway

Contacting YGF

Mailing Address
Yellowstone Genealogy Forum
c/o Billings Public Library
510 North Broadway
Billings, Montana 59101
Elected Officers
President: PJ Smith
Program Coordinator: Kay Cahill
Recording Secretary: Mary Pickett Parker
Corresponding Secretary: Jennye (Jennifer) Broderick
Chairperson of Committees
Gen Room Library Committee: Irene Nelson
Gen-Bug-Newsletter: Irene Nelson
Membership: Shawna Valentine
MSGS Liasion: Vacant
Nominating Committee: Sydney Gabel
Publicity Committee: Steve Baum
Research Committee: Bobbie Meyers
Sales Committee: Bobbie Meyers
Webmaster: Jason C. Herman
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