Yellowstone Genealogy Forum
Billings, Montana 1940s Billings Airport Road
What's New In the Library

August 12, 2021 -- Donated publications to the library

Sturdevant, Katherine. Organizing and preserrving your heirloom documents. Cincinnati: Betterway Books, 2002. Call no: 929.1 Stur.

Croom, Emily, Unpuzzling your past workbook: essential forms & letters for all genealogists. Cincinnati: Betterway Books, 1996. Call no: 929.2 Croo2

Hansen, Holly, compiler. Recovering from record loss: a research guide. Morgan, Utah: Family History Exps, Inc., 2016. Call no.: 929.1 Hans

Taylor, Maureen. Fashionable folks: hair styles 1840-1900. Picture Perfect Press, 2009. Call no: 929.1 Tay

Haywood, John, Historical atlas of the 19th century world 1783-1914. Barnes & Noble Books, 2002. Call no: 912 Hay

Carmack, Sharon. Organizing your family history search: efficient and effective ways to gather and protect your genealogical research. Cincinnati: Betterway Books, 1999. Call 929.101 Carm

Taylor, Maureen A. Uncovering your ancestry through family photographs. Cincinnati: Family Tree Books, 2005. Call no: 929.1072 TayU

Hickley, Kathleen. Your guide to the federal census for genealogists, researchers, and family historians. Cincinniti: Betterway Books, 2002. Call no: 929.1075 Hinck

Bentley, Elizabeth. Genealogist's address books. --3rd ed. Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing, 1995. Call no: 929.1087 Bent

Ledoux, Dennis. Turning memories into memoirs: handbook for writing lifestories. Lisbon Falls, Maine: Soleil Press, 1993. Call no: 929.1036 Ledo

Murphy, Dan. Oregan Trail: voyage of discovery, the story behind the scenery. Los Vegas: KC Publications, 1992. Call no: 978.02 Mur1

Westin, Jeane. Finding your roots: how every American can trace his ncestors --at home and abroad. Los Angeles: J.P. Tarcher, 1977. Call no:

929.1 West.


November 1, 2020 -- Another batch of new books for our library in the Gen Room. Unfortuately the Billings Public Library is closed until January 2021. As soon as the library re-opens  all these books will be shelved and ready for use.

Peterson, Clarence, compiler. Consolidated bibliography of county histories in fifty states in 1961: consolidated 1935-1961. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1963. Call no: 016.973 Peter

Grass Range History Committee. From the foothills to the plains: history of southeastern Fergus County. Lewistown, Mont.: News-Argus, 1999. Call no.: 978.6 FERGUS Grass

Furrows and trails in Judith Basin. 1976. Call no.: 978.6 JUDITH Furr

Onondaga Historical Association (N.Y.) annual volume. 1914 and 1915. Call no.: 974.7 ONOND Onon

Sargent, Jim and others. Too poor to move but always rich. Call no: 929.2 SARGENT Sarg

Dudek, Debra M. World War I genealogy research guide: tracing American military and non-combatant ancestors. -- 2nd ed. 2019. Call no: 940.3 Dudek

Hafen, LeRoy, editor. French fur traders and voyageurs in the American west. Spokane, Wash.: Arthur H. Clark Co., 1995. Call no: 978 Hafen

Centennial Roaring Stoney Days 70th anniversary celebrartion Ely 1888 - 1958, in conjunction with the Minnesota Statehood Centennial. -- 2nd edition. Call no: 977.6 SAINT LOUIS Cent

Howe, Henry. Historical collections of Ohio in two volumes, an encyclopedia of the state. Norwalk, Ohio: The Laning Printing Co., 1896. Call no: 977.1 Howe

Burleigh, Charles. Genealogy and history of the Guild, Guile, and Gile family. Portland, Maine: Brown Thurston and Co., 1887. Call 929.2 GUILD Burl

Berg, Francie and others. Montana stirrups, sage and shenanigans: western ranch life in a forgotten era. Hettinger, ND: Flying Diamond Books, 2013. Call no: 929.2 BRINK Berg

Bronc: Billings Senior High School yearbook. Added 1972 edition to our collection. Call no: 978.6 YELLOW Senior

Billings Senior High School Class of 1969 50 year class reunion July 25, 26, 27, 2019. Call no: 978.6 YELLOW Sen1 2019

Hinsdale High School Graduates 1922-1996. Call no: 978.6 VALLEY HinHS


July 25, 2020 New additions to the library.

Courage enough: Mon-Dak family histories, Richland County, Montana. Book II. Call no. 978.6 RICH Cour

Ulvestad, Martin. Norwegians in America, their history and record: a translated version of the 1907 and 1913 Nordmaendene i Amerika, deres Historic og Rekord. Volumes 2 and 3.  Waukon, IA: Astri My AstriPublishing, 2010. Call no: 948.12 Ulves

Paton, Chris. Tracing your Scottish ancestry through church and state records: a guide for family historians. Yorkshire-Philadelphia: Pen & Sword Books Ltd., 2019. Call no: 941.1 Pato 

Rising, Marsha Hoffman. Family Tree problem solver: tried and true tactics for tracing elusive ancestors. -- 3rd edition. Cincinnati, Ohio:, 2019. Call no: 929.1 Risi

Schober, Katherine. Tips and tricks of deciphering German handwriting: a translator's tricks of the trade for transcribing German genealogy documents. 2018. Call no: 943.1 Schob

Southard, Diahan. Your DNA guide: the book: step-by-step plans to connect you with your family using your DNA. 2020. Call no: 929.1 Sout

Lee, Devon Noel and Andrew Lee. Downsizing with family history in mind.  2019. Call no: 929.1 Lee

MacLachlan, Linda. Finding early Connecticut vital records: the Barbour index and beyond. Baltimore, Md: Clearfield Co., 2019. Call no: 974.6 MacL

April 29, 2020 New purchases for the library

Mills, Elizabeth Shown. Tips and quips for the family historian. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2017. Call no: 929.1 Mills

Morton, Sunny Jane. How to find your family in U.S. church records: a genealogist's guide with specific resources for major denominations before 1900. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2019. Call no: 929.1089 Mort

Greene, Evarts B. American population before the Federal Census of 1790. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1981. Call no: 929.1075 Green

Grenham, John. Tracing your Irish ancestors. -- 5th edition. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2019. Call no: 941.5 Gren1

Chorzempa, Rosemary A. Polish roots. -- 2nd edition. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2014. Call no: 943.81 Chor

Bockstruck, Lloyd de Witt. American settlements and migrations: a primer for genealogists and family historians. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2017. Call no: 973 Bock

April 20, 2020 -- New Books

Herald Souvenir Thanksgiving 1895: illustrative of Neihart, Montana, her history, resources and future prospects. Reprinted by Wagon Box Publishing, Call no: 978.6 CASCADE Herald

Murphy, Alice N. Mummu "Grandmother" Iron, Minn.: Glensco Enterprised International, 1999. Call no: 977.6 Murp

Ely Centennial Committee. Ely scrapbook 1888-1988. Ely-Winston Historical Society, 1988. Call no: 977.6 SAINT LOUIS Ely

Brownell, Lee. Pioneer life in Ely, Minn. Iron Range Historical Society, 1981. Call no: 977.6 SAINTLOUIS Brown

Somrock, John W. History of incredible Ely. 1976. Call no.977.6 SAINT LOUIS Somr

Mendenhall, J.D. and others. Audubon then and now. 2003. Call no: 977.6 AUDUBON Mend

Havre Daily News. Hi-Line collection, a photographic book of Havre and the surrounding communities. 2002. Call no: 978.6 HILL Havre

Lager, H.E. "Happy depression" on the Iron Range". Virginia, Minn.: Iron Range Pub.Co., 1979.Call no: 977.6 SAINT LOUIS Lager

Saari, William A. Finn Hill: memories of growing up in Ely, Minn. Shell Lake, WI: Schmidt/Juhnke Pub., 1996. Call no: 977.6 SAINT LOUIS Saari

Minnesota Historical Society. Guide to family history resoruces at the Minnesota Historical Society. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, 2004. Call no: 944.6 MinnH

Ranson, Harley, compiler: Pioneer recollections: stories and pictures depicting the early history and development of Benton County...Vinton, Iowa: Historical Pub. Co., 1941. Call no: 977.7 BENTON Rans

University of Montana Alumni Association. Alumni Association directory [for] 1989 and 1993. Missoula, Mont.: The Association. Call no: 978.6 MISS UnivAl

Lloyd, David. History of early Rosebud and Johnnie Burgess. Harlowton, Mont.: D. Llyd, 2001. Call no: 978.6 ROSEBUD Lloyd

Chaleen, Nancy E. and others. Orphan Girl Mine. Butte, Mont.: World Museum of Mining. 1981. Call no: 978.6 SILVER Chal

Montana State University. Alumni Association. Alumni directory [for] 2003. Bozeman, Mont.: MSU Alumni Assoc. Call no: 978.6 GALLATIN Mont

Downtown Billings Association, Inc. Downtown Billings directory. 1988. Call no: 978.6 YELLOW Down

Burlingame, Merrill G. A history Montana State University. Bozeman: MSU, 1968. Call no: 978.6 GALLATIN Burl2

St. Pius X Catholic Church. Directory [for] 1996, 2008. Billings, St. Pius. Call no: 978.6 YELLOW St Pius

Phillips, Paul C. Medicine in the making of Montana. Missoula, Mont: 1962. Call no: 978.6 Phil

Lampi, Leona. At the foot of the Beartooth Mountains, a history of the Finnish community at Red Lodge, Montana. Bookage Press, 1998. Call no: 978.6 CARBON Lamp

Eaton, Richard. My lifetime in Valley County. Glasgow, Mont.: The author. Call no: 978.6 VALLEY Eaton

Montana Federation Woman's Club. Local community history of Valley County, Montana. (reprint) 1976. Call no: 978.6 VALLEY Mont

Black Eagle Book Community. In the shadow of the big stack: Black Eagle. Great Falls, Mont.: 2000. Call no: 978.6 CASCADE Black

Prairie County Historical Society. Wheels across Montana's prairie. Terry, Mont.: The Committee: 1974. Call no: 978.6 PRAIRIE Prair 1974

Buena Vista County Historical Society. Buena Vista County history 1858-1983. Storm Lake, Iowa: 1984,.Call no: 977.6 BUENA VISTA Barnes


April 5, 2020 -- New Books in the Library

Kennedy, Ethel. Belt Valley [Mont] history, 1879-1979.  Great Falls, Mont.: Advanced Litho, 1979. Call no.: 978.6 CASCADE Kenn

Buena Vista County Genealogical Society. Barnes Cemeteries: Barnes Township, Buena Vista County, Iowa. Buena Vista County Genealogical Society, 1990. Call no: 977.6 BUENA VISTA Buena

Axline, Jonathan. Havre, Montana "the city of homes": the Havre residential historic district 1895-1938. Havre, Mont.: Floren's Hill County Printing, 1989. Call no: 978.6 HILL Axli

Hill County Bicentennial Commission. Grit, guts and gusto: a history of Hill County. Havre, Mont.: Hill County Bicentennial Commission, 1976. Call no.: 978.6 HILL Grit Vol 1.

Fort Assiniboine Genealogical Society, compiler. An index to Grit, Guts and Gusto. Havre, Mont.: The Society, 1984. Call no: 978.6 HILL Grit Vol 2

Wright, Clyde F. Buck-eye Prairie and Three-Rivers county folk. 1945. Call no.: 977.7 Wrig

Finland: the land of a thousand lakes. Terni, Italy: Plurigraf, 1997. Call no: 948.91 Finland

Porthan, Mary Ann S. White Iron and Birch Lake 1898-1920: the first settlers of two rural communities in northeastern Minnesota. Gilbert, Minn.: Mary Ann Porthan, 2002. Call no.: 977.6 SAINT LOUIS Port

Takala, Edwin J. Clinton township anthology: Clinton township centennial 1892-1992. Call no: 977.6 BIG STONE Taka

Hinsdale Woman's Club. They thought the land was free! The story of Hinsdale pioneers. Glasgow, Mont.: NeMont Printers, 1976. Call no: 978.6 VALLEY Hins



October 10, 2019 -- New books in the library

Partridge, Charles and John Wareyn Darby. Suffolk churchyard inscriptions copied from the Darby transcriptions (made about 1825-34). 3 volumes. Call no:  942.1 Part

McKinnon, Donald. Clan Ross. Edinburgh: W. & A.K. Johnston & G.W. Bacon, 1957. Call no: 941 Mack

Dunlop, Jean. The Scotts. Edinburgh: W. & A.K. Johnston & G.W. Bacon, 1957. Call no: 941 Dunl

D'Angerville, Count, compiled and edited. Living descendants of royal blood in America. London: World Nobility and Peerage, 1981. Call no: 973 Dang Vol 2

Virkus, Frederick Adams. Abridged compendium of American genealogy: first families of America. Volume 3. Chicage: A.N. Marquis, 1928. Call no: 973 Virk Vol 3

Morton, Oren F. History of Rockbridge County, Virginia. Staunton, Virginia: The McClure Co., 1920. Call no: 975.5 ROCKBRIDGE Mort

Robinson, Luther E., ed. Historical and biographical record of Monmouth and Warren County, Illinois. Vol 1. Chicago: Munsell Publishing Co., 1927. Call no: 977.3 MONMOUTH Robin

Cass, Earle Millard. Beulah Ball Cass: a descendant of Samuel Hinckley. New Castle, Penn.: 1945. Call no: 929.2 CASS Cass

Hartman, Blanche T. Genealogy of the Nesbit, Ross, Porter, Taggart families of Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh, Penn.: 1929. Call no: 929.2 NESBIT Hart

Weaver, Gustine Courson. Welch and allied families. Cincinnati, Ohio: Powell & White, 1932. Call no: 929.2 WELCH Wear

Knapp, Alfred Averill, compiler. Nicholas Knapp genealogy. Winter Park, Florida: Edwards Brothers, 1953. Call no: 929.2 KNAPP Knap Vol 1 & 2

Clawson, Roger and Katherine A. Shandera. Billings the city and the people. Helena, Mont.: America and World Geographic Publishing, 1993. Call no: 978.6 YELLOW Claw

Broadus, Margaret Bailey and Fred Caruso. Through the Rosebuds, tales of Rosebud Creek, Montana. Centennial, Colo.: CGI Books, 1987. Call no: 929.2 BROADUS Broa

Malone, Michael P. and Richard B. Roeder. Montana, a history of two centuries. Seattle: Univ. of Washington Press, 1976. Call no: 978.6 Malone

Bryan, William L. Montana's Indians, yesterday and today. -- 2nd edition. Helena, Mont.: America and World Geographic Publishing, 1996. Call no: 978.6 Bryan

Rockbridge Area Genealogical Society. Rockbridge County, Virginia cemeteries: South River and Walkers Creek District. Rockbridge Baths, Vir., The Society, 1999. Call no: 975.5 ROCKBRIDGE Rock

Nevin, John Denison. Nevin genealogia. Vol 1. Easton, Penn.: 1920. Call no: 929.2 NEVIN Nevi

Nevin, John. Family of Niven with biographical sketches. Hillsborough, Calif.: J.Niven, 1960. Call no: 929.2 NIVEN Niven

Humphrey, John T. Pennsylvania births Lancaster County 1723-1777. Washington DC: Humphrey Publications, 1997. Call no: 974.8 LANCASTER Hump

Miller, Kerby A. Emigrants and exiles: Ireland and the Irish exodus to North America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985. Call no: 941.52 Mill

Polk County Genealogical Society (Mo.) History and families, Polk County, Missouri. Paducah, Kent.: Turner Publishing Co., 2004. Call no: 977.8 POLK Polk

Humansville Missouri centennial 1872-1972. Williams Press, 1972. Call no: 977.8 POLK Huma

Masterson, Josephine. Ireland -- 1841/1851 census abstracts Northern Ireland. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Pub., 1999. Call no: 941 51 Mast


June 27, 2019 -- New books in the library

Weller, Donald B., compiler. Weller family history, the ancestral history of Donald Bert Weller of Warren and Washington Counties New York. 2007. Call no:  CD 929.2 WELLER Well

First Congregation Church (Billings, Mont.) deaths 1965-1976.  2018.  Call no:  CD 978.6 YELLOW Cong1

Powell (Wyo.) Valley Genealogical Club. First 100 years 1909-2009...birth, deaths, marriages and obituraries from the Powell Tribune (index). 2009. Call no:  CD 978.7 PARK Powe

Huntley Project History Committee. Sod 'n seed 'n tumbleweed: a history of the Huntley Project, Yellowstone County, Montana. Ballantine, Mont.: The Committee, 1977. Call no:  978.6 YELLOW Hunt

Lennon, Rachal Mills. Tracing ancestors among the five civilized tribles: southeastern Indians prior to removal. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publiching Co., 2002. Call no:  970.3 CHER Lenn

Beidler, James M. Family Tree historical atlas off Germany. Cincinnati, Ohio: Family Tree Books, 2019. Call no: 943 Beid

Biggers, Trudie Porter. Homesteading the Huntley Irrigation Project. [Huntley, Mont.] T. Biggers, 2018. Call no: 978.6 YELLOW Bigg

Yellowstone Genealogy Forum. Marriage records Yellowstone County 1881-1899. Billings, Mont.: YGF, 1986. Call no: CD 978.6 YELLOW Marr

Society of Mayflower Descendants.  Mayflower families genealogies through six generation, Volume 24, Part 2: William Brewster.  Plymouth, MA: The Society, 2019. Call no:  974.482 Mayf Vol 24, Pt 2


June 18, 2019 -- New books in added to our collection.

Arnold, Jackie Smith. Kinship, it's all realative. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub., Inc., 1994. Call no: 929.1 Arno

Prucha, Francis Paul, ed. Documents of U.S. Indian policy.  Lincon, Neb.: Univ. of Nebraska, 2000. Call no: 970.1 Pruc 2000

Clark, W.B. Dusting off the old ones. Miles City, Mont: Star Printing Co., 1960. Call no: 978.6 CUSTER Clark

Montana State University-Northern. 2006 Northern alumni directory. Chesapeake, Vir.: Harris Connect, Inc., 2006. Call no: 978.6 HILL Mont

Kelly, Samuel Taylor. An American journey: the chronicles of the Shearers and the Kelly's. 2018. Call no:  929.2 SHER Kelly

Saint  Vincent School of Nursing. All nurse reunoin, 1913-1973: a book of memories, June 26-28, 1998.. Billings, Mont.: Saint Vincent School of Nursing. Call no: 978.6 YELLOW SaintV

Alston, Mary Lou. An ancestor to remember Johannes Laubach (Labach-Lawbaugh) 1728-1808 of Chester County, Penn. Belleville, Ill: M.L. Alston, 1979. Call no: 929.2 LAUBACH Alst

Peterson-Maass, Marsha. Fundamentals of genealogy: the most helpful tools you've never used. Wilmette, Ill.: M. Peterson-Maass, 2017. Call no: 929.1 Peter

Williams, W.N. Castles of Wales. England: St. Stephen's Bristol Press, 1969. Call no: 942.9 Will

Culbertson Diamond Jubilee 1887-1962, seventy-five years of progress. Culbertson, Mont.: 1962. Call no: 978.6 ROOSE Culb

Marschall, Bette Ann Williams. Welsh ancestry of Morgan, Wesley and Bette Williams. Westerville, Ohio: 2006. Call no: 929.2 WILLIAMS Mars

Wood, Michael. Domesday: a search for the roots of England. New York: Facts on File Publications, 1986. Call no: 942 Wood

Rostad, Lee. Meagher County: a sketchbook. Martinsdale, Mont: L. Rice, 2001. Call no: 978.6 MEAGHER Rost

Taylor, Colin F. Native Americans, the indigenous people of North America. New York: Salamander Books, 1996. Call: 970.1 Tayl

Strand, Leroy. From the Shellrock to the Highwoods. Lewistown, Mont.: L. Strand, 2000. Call no: 929.2 STRAND Stra

Eggleston, Dr. Rosalie. Bygod Eggleston: English man and colonist and some of his descendants. Toledo, Ohio: The Mary and John Clearinghouse, 1991. Call no: 929.2 EGGLESTON Eggle

Montana State University-Billings Alumni Association. Alumni directory 2007. Chesapeake, Vir: Harris Connect Inc., 2007. Call no: 978.6 YELLOW East 2007

Billings Senior High School Reunion Planning Committee. Around the world in 20 years 1941-1961: Billings Senior High School 1941 class reunion. Billings, Mont.: The Committee, 1961. Call no: 978.6 YELLOW Sen1 1961.


January 14, 2019 -- New book added to our collection.

Williams, Christi Mettes. Our Davison/Davisson family history: biographies of the ancestors and descendants of James Gatch Davisson. Columbus, OH: David Garth Davisson, 2018.  Call no.: 929.2 DAVISSON Will

November 15, 2018 New books in the library.

Yellowstone Genealogy Forum. School census records 1913-1930, Yellowstone County. Billings, MT: YGF, 1999. Call no: 978.6 YELLOW School

Banks, Charles Edward. Winthrop Fleet of 1630. Bowie, Md.: Heritage Books, Inc., 2002. Call no: 974.492 Banks 2002

Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo. Your guide to cemetery research. Cincinnati, Ohio: Betterway Books, 2002. Call no: 929.1089 Carm

 Kuhns, Maude Pinney.Mary and John":, a story of the founding of Dorchester, Mass., 1630. Rutland, VT: Tuttle Antiguarian Books, 1976. Call no: 974.492 Kuhn  

Spafford, Horatio Gates. Gazetteer of the state of New York. Interlaken, NY: Heart of the Lakes Publishing, 1981.Call No.: 974.7 Spaf

Wellauer, Maralyn A. German immigration to America in the 19th century.  Milwaukee, Wisc: Roots. International, 1985.  Call no: 943.2 Well

Tepper, Michael. American passenger arrival records. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing, Co., 1993. Call no: 929.1035 Tepp

Bevan, Amanda, ed. Tracing your ancestors in the Public Record Office. Trowbridge, Wilts: Cromwell Press, 1999.  Call no: 942.1 Bevan

Swift, Esther M. Vermont place-names: footprints of history. Camden, Maine: Picton Press, 1977. Call no. 974.3 Swift


 September 15, 2018 New books added to our collection:

Yellowstone Genealogy Forum. Early families of Billings, 2007-2008 fifteen month calendar. Billings: YGF, 2007. Call no: 978.6 YELLOW Early
Cooper, Myrtle E. From tent town to city: a chronological history of Billings, Montana 1882-1935. Billings: M. Cooper, 1981. Call no. 978.6 YELLOW Coop
State Bar of Montana. Lawyers' deskbook and directory. Helena, Mont.: State Bar of Montana. Library holdings: 2015, 2017. Call no: 978.6 State
August 2, 2018 New books in the library include:
Yellowstone Genealogy Forum, compiler. Billings Gazette obituaries from January 2015 through December 2017. Billings, Mont.: YGF, 2018. Call no:  CD 978.6 YELL BGObit2
Croom, Emily A. Genealogist's companion and sourcebook. Cincinnati: Betterway Books, 1994. Call no: 929.1 Croom
Gordons in America: from 1850 to 1999. Halbert's. 1999. Call no: 929.2 GORDON Gord
Kirkpatrick, Farel. Bartholomew Smith family history and genealogy. Decatur, Ill., 1982. Call no:  929.2 SMITH Kirk
Tozer, Noel. Snips and snaps: the Firths, nineteeth century portraitists, miniaturists, caricaturists, and photographic artists. Dangar, Australia: Edmund & Alexander, 2018. Call no: 929.2 FRITH Tozer
Lee, Erika and Judy Yung. Angel Island: immigrant gateway to America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Call no: 929.1085 Lee
Gundset, Eric G.; Briana L. Diaz and Hollis L Gentry. America's women in the Revolutionary era, 1760-1790: a history through bibliography. Washington DC: National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, 2011. Call no: 973.3 Grun
May 3, 2018
A new volume of the Mayflower Families Through Five Generations has been donated by the Montana Chapter of The Society of Mayflower Descendants. Volume 21, Part 2 covers the family of John Billington, sixth generation descendants. The entire set if Mayflower Family books with their distinct silver covers can be found at 974.482 Mayf.
December 12, 2017
​This past fall 6 notebooks of Obituaries from the Billings Gazette were added to our collection (Call no. 978.6 YELLOW BGObit). These original obituaries were cut from the newspaper and pasted on paper from March 1956 through 1966. The pages were then placed in notebooks according to the funeral home holding the services, Michelotti-Sawyers, Smith, and Settergren. Each notebook contains an alphabetical index and an index of the complete set is on a CD in a 7th volume.
 September 28, 2017   New books in the library
Rubincam, Milton. Evidence: an exemplary study: a Craig family case history.  Washiington DC: National Genealogical Society, 1981.  Call no.  929.2 CRAIG Rubin
Chamberlin, David C.  Conceptual approach to genealogy: essential methodology and compiling genealogical recordsfor organizing . Bountful, Utah: Heritage Quest, 1998.  Call no 929.1 Cham
Cooper, Myrtle E. Tracking Billings' past. Billings, Mont.: Western Heritage Center, 1979.  Call no  978.6 YELLOW Cooper
James, Don. Butte's memory book. Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1975. Call no  978.6 SILVER James
Great Falls Tribune-Leader. Montana flood 1964. Great Falls, Mont.: Grreat Falls Tribune, 1964. Call no 978.6 CASCADE Trib
Huey, Burkett W. German settlements in Bessarabia: a study of the German immigration to, successful settlement in and ultimate abandonment of Bessarabia. ​Carrboro, NC: TIPS Technicsl Pub., 2014. Call no 947.7 Huey
Campbell, Randolph B​Gone to Texas: a history of the Lone Star state.  New York: Oxford Press, 20003. Call no: 976.4 Camp
Bell, Edward J., Jr. Homesteading in Montana 1911-1923: life in the Blue Mountain Country. Bozeman, Mont.: MSU, 1975. Call no: 929.2 BELL Bell
Moore Woman's Club. ​Snowy Mountain roundup, a history of Moore, Montana. ​ Moorer, Montana: Woman's Club, 1976. Call no  978.6 FERGUS Moor
Stoverud, Eric. History in Highland Cemetery, Great Falls, Montana. Great Falls, Mont.: The History Museum in cooperation with the Great Falls Cemetery Association, 2012. Call no 978.6 CASCADE Stov
Woodyard. Thomas H. ​Hanna-Moffett Sims-Hybarger history. Riverton, Wyo,: T. Woodyard, 1980. Call no: 929.2 HANNA Wood
​August 3, 2017--Books recently cataloged into the library.
​Riemer, Shirley J. ​German research companion.--3rd ed.  ​Sacramento, Calif.: Lorelei Press, 2010. Call no.: 943.1 Riem.
Hansen, Holly T.  ​Scandinavian research guide.​ Morgan, Utah: Family History Expos, 2017. Call no. 948 Hans
Davis, Clyde P.  ​Finding fathers: lost. found. and remembered, a family history. ​Pound Ridge, NY: C. Davis, 2011. Call no. 929.2 DAVIS Davis.
Hardin High School. Annuals for 2002, 2004. Hardin, Mont.: Hardin High School. ​CALL no.: 978.6 BIG HORN Hardin
June 22, 2017 -- Books recently donated and cataloged into the library.
Shepherd, JoAnn. Age search information. Washington DC: US Census Bureau, 2000. (929.1075 Shep)
First United Methodist Church (Billings, Mont.). Directory, 1977.  Billings, Mont.: The Church, 1977.(978.6 YELLOW Meth 1977)
​Thompson, George A.  Treasure mountain home: a centennial history of Park City, Utah.  Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1968. (979.2 SUMMIT Thom)
Smith, Anita C.  Gonder, Gonter and variation; genealogy of Martin Gonder, Somerset County, Penn.Billings, Mont.: Anita Smith, 1999.  (929.2 GONDER Smith)
​Hamilton, Frances Frazee. Ancestral lines of Doniphan, Frazee, and Hamilton families. Greenfield, Ind.: Wm. Mitchell Printing, 1928. (929.2 DONIPHAN Hami)
​Hart, Arthur A. Camera eye on Idaho: pioneer photography 1863-1913. Caldwell, Ida.: Caxton Printers, 1990. (979.6 Hart)
​Kauffman, Henry J. American farmhouse. New York:Bonanza Books, 1988. (720.9 Kauf)
​Rifkind, Carole. Field guide to American architecture. New York: Bonanza Books, 1984. (720.9 Rifk)
​Partridge, Michael. Farm tools through the ages. New York: Promontory Press, 1973. (631.3 Part)
Sigma Chi Fraternity.  Membership directory, 2005.  Chesapeake, Vir.: Harris Publishing Co., 2005.  (378 Sigma)
March 2017 --​  New books in the library donated by Anita Smith and Ferrol Cutright.
Foley, Mary Mix. American house.  New York: Harper & Row, 1981. Call no. 720.9 Fole
Turner Publishing Co. Four stack APDs: the famed green dragons: the APD destroyer sailors of World War II. --2nd edition. Paducah, Ky.: Turner Publishing Co.,2003. Call no. 940.53 Turn
Hyatt, H. Norman. Hard won life: a boy on his own on the Montana frontier. Helena, Mont.: Sweetgrass Books, 2014. Call no.: 929.2 VAN BLARICOM Hyatt
McLauchlan, Gordon. Short history of New Zealand. Albany, Aucland, New Zealand: David Bateman Ldt,. 2014.  Call no. 993 McLa
Redle, Richard. Making of a Montanan, a WWII veteran's journey from ranch to hell and back.  Bloonington, IN: authorhouse, 2013.  Call no. 929.2 REDLE Redl
Penn, Winona Coleman. Ewell Winfred Coleman and Hazel Estella Greer: their ancestors and descendants.  1979. Call no: 929.2 COLEman Penn 
​January 19, 2017-- ​The library recently recieved the 2016 edition of Clues. This publication is from the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia and is their surname exchange publication.  The exchange lists names currently being research and the name and contact information of those researching. In order to be listed in the publication, you must be a member of AHSGR but a membership is not needed to contact those in the exchange. The publication also contains a list for the AHSGR village coordinator network. Call number:  947.7 Clues 2016
November 3, 2016 - Recently the Great Falls Genealogical Society donated several yearbooks that we have been missing in our collection. These included the Sentinel from the University of Montana in Missoula (call no. 978.6 MISS Univ) and the Montanan from Montana State University in Bozeman (978.6 GALLATIN MSU).  Our collection of the Sentinel covers the years 1920 - 1970 with the Montanan beginning in 1906 and continuing through 1991.  We still have some gaps in our collection of these yearbooks. Check the the catalog record for each to see if we have the volume you need.
October 6, 2016 -- New books donated to the library.
--Snedecor, Marie and others. In Blaine, a bicentennial book. 1975. Stories and history of Blaine County, Montana. Call no. 978.6 BLAINE Sned
--Black, Rosa Vida Bischoff. Lovell [Wyoming], our pioneer heritage. Salt Lake City: Olympus Publishing, 1984. Call no: 978.7 BIG HORN Black
--The Sentinel: University of Montana yearbook.  Added Yearbooks for: 1941, 1938, 1947, 1963, 1959.  Call no: 978.6 MISS Univ
September 23, 2016 -- New books donated to the library.
--Emmison, F.G. How to read local archives 1550-1700. London: Chameleon Press Limited, 1983. Call no:  929.1 Emmi.
--Clark, David L. Pictorial history of Christ Church, Boston: The Old North Church of Paul Revere fame. Everett, Mass.: Ace Co. Call no.: 974.4 SUFFOLK Clark
--"A guide at a glance" of historic Boston. Wincheester, Mass.: Rowding Distributing Co., 1974. Call no. 974.4 SUFFOLK Guide
--Historical tour of the City of Queec. Quebec: Quebec Advertising Agency, Reg'd, 1947. Call no. 971.4 Hist
--Minnesota Historical Society. Library and Archive Division. Genealogical resources of the Minnesota Historical Society: A guide. St. Paul, MInn.: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1989. Call no. 977.6 Minn
--Galeener-Moore, Laverne. Collecting dead relatives: an irreverent romp through the field of genealogy.  Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1987. Call no: 929.1 Gale
--Quinn, David Beers. Lost colonists: their forune and probable fate. Raleigh, N.C.: America's Four Hundredth Anniversary Comm., 1984. Call no: 975.6 Quinn
--Turner, Wesley B. War of 1812: the war that both sides won. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1990. Call no: 973.52 Turn
--Franklin, Charles M. Huguenot genealogical research.  1985. Call no: 944.02 Frank
--Gardner, David. Genealogical atlas of England and Wales. Provo, Utah: Stevenson's Genealogical Center, 1974. Call no: 942 Gard
--Billings Senior High Schoo. Bronc [yearbook]: 1995.  Call no: 978.6 YELLOW Senior 1995
--Narvestad, Carl and Amy. Valdres Samband 1899-1974. Granite Falls, Minn.: Valdres Samband, 1974. Call no. 948.12 Narv 1974
--Narvestad, Carl and Amy. People of Valdres Samband 1899-1984. Granite Falls, Minn.: Valdres Samband, 1984.  Call no: 948.12 NarvP 1984
--Rocky Mountain College. Yellowstone [yearbook]: 1970, 1971 and 1972.  Call no: 978.6 YELLOW Rocky
June 16, 2016 -- A few more new books and some miscellaneous things I have been sitting on a bookshelf to catalog.  For more information about any of these, please check the catalog.
-- Lockwood School District No. 26, Yellowstone County, Montana. School Census report, School District No. 26, 1930 - 1955. (Photocopies). Call no: 978.6 YELLOW Lock
-- Byerly, Ken. Roy country "was tough stuff in the early days", an article from the Lewistown News-Argus, Lewistown, Montana, December 18, 1983. Call no: 978.6 FERGUS Byer
-- Nessler, Hans. Die Ahnenlisten-Kartei/8. Neustadt an der Aisch: Degener, 1981. (In German) Call no: 943.1 Ness.
-- Gawne, Jonathan. Finding your father's war: a practical guide to researching and understnding serive in the WWII US Army.  Drexel Hill, Penn.: Casemate Publishing, 2006. Call no: 940.53 Gawne
-- Public Record Office. Domesday 1086 - 1986. [London]: Public Record Office, 1986. Call no: 942 Publ
-- Kohl, Martha, ed. Beyond schoolmarms and madams: Montana's womens stories. Helena, Mont.: Montana Historical Society, 2016. Call no: 978.6 Kohl
-- Board of Cerification of Genealogists. Genealogy standards. Nashville:, 2014. Call no: 929.1032 Board
June 11, 2016 -- The following titles are new to the library and will be on the shelves June 15th. For more information on a book, please check the catalog.
-- Bosch, Dr. William. German-Russians in words and pictures. Spearfish, SD: W. Bosch, 2015. Call no: 947.7 Bosch
-- Anderson, Robert Charles. Great Migration directory: immigrants to New England, 1620-1640: a consise Compendium. Boston: NEHGS, 2015. Call no: 974.02 AnderDir
-- Alzo, Lisa A. Family Tree Polish, Czech and Slovak genealogy guide: how to trace your family in eastern Europe. Cincinnati: Family Tree Books. Call no: 943.81 Alzo
-- Irvine, Sherry. Finding your Canadian ancestors: a beginners guide. Provo, Utah: Ancestry Publishing, 2007. Call no: 971.1 Irvine
-- Dolan, Allison. Family Tree historical maps book: a state-by-state atlas of U.S. history, 1790-1900. Cincinnati: Family Tree Books, 2014. Call no: 973 Dolan
-- Kauffman, Gladys Mullet. As I remember...stories of eastern Montana's pioneers. Helena, Mont; Sweetgrass Books, 2006. (Note: We have had Volume 2 of this set but have just now added Volume 1). Call no: 978.6 DAWSON Kauf
-- Robison, Ken. Confederated in Montana Territory: in the shawdow of Price's Army. Charleston, SC: History Press, 2014. Call no: 978.6 Robi
-- Barnett, LeRoy. Michigan's early militrary forces: a roster and history of troops activated prior to the American Civil War. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2003. Call no.: 977.4 Barn
-- Jacobson, Judy. History for genealogists: using chronological time lines to find and understand your ancestors. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2016. Call no: 929.1 Jacob
-- Taylor, Maureen A. Family photo detective: learn how to find genealogy clues in old photos and solve family photo mysteries. Cincinnati: Family Tree Books. Call no 929.1072 TayF
-- Morgan, George G. Advanced genealogy research techniques. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2014. Call no: 929.1 Morgan
-- Keister, Douglas. Stories in stone: a field guide to cemetery symbols, and iconography. Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith Publishing, 2004. Call no: 929.1089 Keis
-- Sturdevant, Katherine Scott. Bringing your family history to life through social history. Cincinnati: Betterway Books, 2000. Call no: 929.1036 Stur
-- Dolan, Allison. Family Tree historical maps book: Europe: a country-by country atlas of European history, 1700s - 1900s. Cincinnati: Family Tree Books, 2015. Call no: 940 DolanF
-- Fitzpatrick, Colleen. Forensic genalogy. Fountain Valley, Calif.: Rice Book Press, 2013. Call no: 929.1 Fitz
-- Drake, Paul. What did they mean by that?: a dictionary of historical and genealogical terms old and new. Westminister, Md.: Heritage Books, 2000. Call no: 929.103 Drake
-- McGlashan, Zena Beth. Buried in Butte. Butte, Mont.: Words and Ink Publishing, 2010. Call no: 978.6 SILVER McGl
-- Gray, Donna. Nothing to tell: extraordinary stories of Montana ranch women. Guilford, Conn.: Glove Pequot, 2012. Call no: 978.6 Gray
June 2, 2016 -- More new books donated by JoAnne Miller.
--Fischer, David Hackett. Albion's seed: four British folkways in America.  New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Call no.  973.2 Fisch​
--Deschner, Jane Waggoner. Horse of course! Billings, Montana. Billings: Billings Depot, Inc., 2002. Call no. 978.6 YELLOW Desch
--Martin, Albro. If not Billings, What? An essay on the naming of Montana's biggest city. Rails to Montana: A history of a common Heritage.  Burlington Northern, 1982. Call no. 978.6 YELLOW Mart
New books purchased by the Forum:
--Cook, Lisa Louise. Genealogical's google toolbox: a genealogist's guide to Google. Lisa L. Cook, 2015. Call no. 929.1 Cook
--Rose, Christine. Military bounty land 1776-1855. San Jose, CA: CR Publications, 2011. Call no: 929.1079 Rose
June 1, 2016 -- The following books are new to the library. Thank you to JoAnne Miller for donating them.
​--Phillips, David. Maps of the Civil War: the roads they took. New York: M. Friedman Publishing, 2001. Call no.: 973.7 Phil.
--Cotton, Gordon A. Vicksburg and the war. Gretna, Louisiana:Pelican Publishing, 2004. Call no.: 973.7 Cotton
--Ward, Geoffrey C.  Civil War: an illustrated history. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1998. Call no.: 973.7 Ward
--Viele, John. Florida Keys: a history of the pioneers. Sarasota, Fla.: Pineapple Press, 1996. Call no. 975.9 Viele
--Wisneiwski, Richard A. Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial: a pictorial history. Honolulu: Pacific Basin Enterprises, 1986. Call no 996.9 Wisn
--Peters, Sunda Anderson. First families of Ohio roster 1964-2000. Mansfield, Ohio: Ohio Genealogical Society, 2001. Call no. 977.1 Peters
--Schweitzer, George K. Ohio genealogical research. Knoxville, Tenn.: G. Schweitzer, 1999. Call no. 977.1 Schw
--Fapso, Richard J. Norwegians in Wisconsin. Madison: The Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2001. Call no. 977.5 Fapso
--Colletta, John P. They came in ships: a guide to finding your immigrant ancestor's arrival record. Orem, Ut: Ancestry Publishinng, 2002. Call no: 929.1085 Coll
--Baltimore County Genealogical Society. Tombstone inscriptions at St. James Protestant Episcopal Church My Lady's Manor, Monkton, Maryland. Baltimore: The Society, 1992. Call no: 975.2 BALTIMORE Balt
--Parker, Karen. Always the River: a susquicentennial history of Ontario, Wisconsin 1857-2007. Ontario, Wisc.: Kickapoo Valley Press, 2006. Call no: 977.5 VERNON Park
--Schultz, Eric. King Philip's War: the history and legacy of America's forgotten conflict. Woodstock, Vermont: The Countryman Press, 1999. Call no. 973.24 Schu
April 28, 2016 --  The library has an opening for a volunteer to take over the 1st and 3rd Wednesday afternoon shifts in the Gen Room at the Billings Public Library.  The hours are 1:00 - 3:00 in the two afternoons a month.  Duties:  greet patrons coming into the Gen Room, offerinng help with genealogy questions, demonstrating searches of computer databases such as and Family Search, helping to maintain the library by dusting and straighting book shelves. This is a four hour a month committment. Training is provided. The majority of days are very quiet and will provide you the opportunity to work on your own genealogy projects.  Please call Irene Nelson at 248-5765 or e-mail me at for more information or to volunteer.
April 21, 2016 -- New books in the library:
--Rezatto, Helen. Tales of the Black Hills. Rapid City, SD: FENWYN Press, 1989.  Call no. 978.3 Reza. Donated by Anita Smith.
--Jordan, John W.  Genealogical and personal history of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania -- Volume 1. New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1913, (Reprint). Call no. 974.8 Jordan. Donated by Billings Public Library.
--Schaefer, Christina K. The Great War: A guide to the service records of all the world's fighting men and volunteers. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1998. Call no. 940.3 Scha.
--Spencer, William First World War Army Service Records: a guide for family historians.--4th ed. Surrey, United Kingdom: The National Archives, 2008. Call no. 940.3 Spen.
--Tracing your WWI military ancestry. Toronto, ON: Moorhead Magazines, Ltd., 2014. Call no. 940.3 Trac
April 14, 2016--
The Federation of Genealogical Societies will be holding their annual conference August 31 - September 3, 2016 in Springfield, Illinois. Their theme this year: Time Travel: Centuries of Memories. A few of their brochures are available in the library. Feel free to come in and pick one up or go to their website,, for more information.
April 14, 2016 --
Spring 2016 issue of the Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia. Contents:
-- Schmaltz, Eric J. Other immigrant destinies: an overview of South America's Germans from Russia.
-- Burke, Jody.  The Schmidt family letters, Part I.
-- Walter, Michael R. Migration and settlement of Volga Germans from Russia in the Yellowstone Valley, Montana, 1900-1920, Part II.
November 10, 2015  New books:
--Finn, Janet L.  Motherlode: Legacies of women's lives and labors in Butte, Montana.   Livingston, Mont: Clark City Press, 2005. Call no:  978.6 SILVER Finn
--Barnes, Dr. Phil. Consice history of the Hawaiian Island. 1999. Call no: 996.9 Barn
--Montana State Genealogical Society. First families and early settlers of Montana. Volume 4. Helena, Mont.: MSGS, 2015. Call no:  978.6 First Vol  4.
--Central High School. Yearbook: 2006, Couldn't have done it without you.  Billings, Mont.: Central, 2006.  Call no. 978.6 YELLOW Cent 2006
November 1, 2015  New books:
-- Jernigan, E.J. Tin can man.  Call no.  929.2 JERN Jern
--Fischetti, P.R.  Ethnic cultures of America: a reference source for all Americans.  Call no:  306 Fisch
October 26, 2015. New books added to the library. Please check the catalog for more information about each book.
--Axline, Jon.More from the quarries of Last Chance Gulch. Volumes 1 and 3. Call no 978.6 LEWiS Axli
--Mills, Elizabeth Shown. QuickSheet: Citing Ancestry.con databases and images--Evidence style. Call no  929.1032 Mills.
--Mills, Elizabeth Shown. Quick sheet: Citing on-line historical resources--Evidence style.  Call no  929.1032 Mills2.
--Mills, Elizabeth Shown. Quick sheet:  Your stripped-bare guide to citing sources. Call no: 929.1032 Mills3
--Mills, Elizabeth Shown. Quick sheet: The historical biographers guide to cluster research (the FAN Principle). Call no: 929.1032 Mills4.
--Mills, Elizabeth Shown.  Quick sheet: The historical biographers guide to the research process. Call no: 929.1032 Mills5.